Dear Graduate Brothers,
As you no doubt heard Massachusetts extended the stay-at-home order until May 18th. Our undergraduate Brothers continued to finished up the school year remotely. They still hold regular Cabinet and Chapter meetings as well as a Friday night social hour over video conference to stay connected with each other.
Our undergraduate Philanthropy Committee continues to make creative use of social distancing as is evident by the planning of their latest event. They will be holding a "Gamers vs ALS" Call of Duty Modern Warfare online gaming tournament this Saturday May 16th to raise funds toward ALS treatment research. Pi Iota has been written up in an article by the ALS Therapy Development Institute outlining their efforts and details on the event Please also find the attached endorsement letter from our Chapter President Benjamin Cyran '21. During their Virtual Humvee Push event last month, our Brothers raised a respectable $3,000 for the USO with the support of many of you!
Don't forget to sign up for our upcoming virtual "Pig Dinner" on Sunday May 17th starting at 3pm over Zoom video conference. You should have received a separate email this past Saturday regarding the event. We encourage you to start thinking about organizing your own post-event video conferences with your fellow Brothers.
Dave Willens
Pi Iota PL
PhD ME '20
